Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Having a partnership with Falcon to satisfy the ever growing requirements of DeVry made my client confident that I was able to provide the total solution for their schools nationwide. While technology drove constant transformation of teaching tools, Falcon was ever present to engage in round table discussions, collaborate on products that could support the change and was consistent in providing the type of partnership that gave DeVry trust in all of us. Whether in was product for classrooms, common area seating spaces or specialized conferencing centers, cost effective solutions were always part of the process.

I was proud to have Falcon as a business partner while servicing this customer for over 25 years. Falcon was the natural solution.

CF Group has been a partner with Barnes & Noble supplying café furniture, including tables, bases and chairs for approximately twenty years. The company has been a very good supplier and provides a quality product for the cafes in our 600 plus stores around the country. CFGroup has also assisted us with designing and developing café furniture for a new store design completed in 2012.

We felt Falcon’s products would enhance the facility at Troy University and compliment the design, as well as provide a durable product. Falcon met our expectations.